Como sabem a partir de 1 de Julho o serviço do Google Reader irá terminar por isso convido-vos a seguirem este blogue através do Bloglovin (para aceder basta clicar no ícon em baixo ou no lado direito da página). Ainda estou a tentar perceber como funciona mas pelo menos já consegui importar todos os meus contactos do Google Reader para lá.
As you know the Google Reader is going away on July 1st, so I invite you to follow this blog via Bloglovin (to access just click on the icon below or on the right side of the page). I'm still trying to understand how it works but at least I managed to import all my contacts from Google Reader to there.
As you know the Google Reader is going away on July 1st, so I invite you to follow this blog via Bloglovin (to access just click on the icon below or on the right side of the page). I'm still trying to understand how it works but at least I managed to import all my contacts from Google Reader to there.
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